Scale Scotland 2024 Is A Wrap!
Another show has come and gone and it was a really good day. Numbers held up on last year and we had lots of kids in attendance which was very encouraging. A huge thank you to everyone who came along on the day.
2024 was our 8th show and marked the 9th anniversary of our first show back in 2015. Next year will be a landmark moment for us as we hit our 10th Anniversary which will surely be a special moment. It's been a journey from our humble beginnings at the Hilton Edinburgh Airport where we hosted our first three shows to Murrayfield Stadium where we have now been for the following five shows. Our progress has been guided by all of you who have supported and attended the shows so big thanks to you all.
Thanks to the traders, demos guys for putting in the effort to be there. We really do appreciate you and never forget the big part you place on the day.
We'll keep you posted on Facebook with everything on the next show and the countdown will take us all the way to the big day. If you haven't already, head over to Facebook and give us a follow so you get the latest news when it's announced.
Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to welcoming you all to the show in 2025. Until then . . . . keep building!
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