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Edinburgh Model Club

We meet from 7:30 - 10:30pm, on the third Wednesday of every month at The Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Street, Edinburgh. All modellers are welcome.

Our meetings are pretty informal and friendly. Come along and build a kit or just come along for the chat. There is a wealth of modelling experience to tap in to which can help you add new skills to your existing. Each week we have a small competition for your latest builds. Mostly open to all models and occasionally themed. It's a fun night, so if your in Edinburgh on club night, then why not pop along and see for yourself?

The club attend model shows in Scotland as well as a few in England. Travel with us to the shows and display your models on the club table and enter in to the shows model competitions. It's a fun way to spend a day with fellow modellers and one where you'll come home with plenty inspiration.

Edinburgh Model Club are the core of the volunteers that help each year at Scale Scotland. The show has become a big part of our year and everyone that helps from Edinburgh and beyond are greatly appreciated.

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